adventure game


adventure game

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Englannin sanakirja

adventure game (englanti > suomi)

  1. seikkailupeli

adventure game englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A computer game|computer or video game of the genre characterized by investigation, exploration, puzzle-solving, interaction with game characters, and a focus on narrative rather than reflex-based challenges.

  2. 1984, Living Guide to Spectrum Software: Adventure Games (in Crash magazine, issue 4, May 1984)

  3. Phipps have put together a well planned and sometimes amusing adventure game here, with text and location graphics, which are simple but attractive.
  4. 2010, Richard Rouse III, Game Design: Theory and Practice, Second Edition

  5. The critics of adventure games are quick to point out that, really, adventure games are not games at all, but merely a series of puzzles strung together with bits of story between them. The puzzles, regardless of their form, serve as locked doors (..)
  6. 2011, Sue Blackman, Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity (page 6)

  7. Undoubtedly a force in the early days of the graphical adventure game genre was LucasArts. With an army of professional film personnel from which to draw, LucasArts titles gained a huge reputation for outstanding storytelling(..)
